Tips to Prime a Coil for a Better Vaping Experience


Priming your coil gives it a chance to saturate with e-juice before you start vaping. This process wicks the cotton and gets rid of any dry spots that might cause your Uwell pod to fire erratically or produce a burnt taste. While it might seem like an extra step, taking the time to prime your coil correctly can make a big difference in your vaping experience. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

How to prime a coil?

Get rid of the old coil

First things first, remove the coil from your tank. Simply unscrew it from the tank and dispose of it properly. When using a disposable coil, simply discard it and replace it with a new one.

Clean the tank

Once the coil is out, take a moment to clean your tank. This will help remove any residue that might be left behind from the previous coil. Use a cotton swab or paper towel to wipe down the inside of the tank, being careful not to touch the glass.

Fill the tank

Now it’s time to fill your tank with e-juice. Drip e-liquid directly onto the wick ports. The amount of liquid you’ll need will depend on the size of your coil, but as a general rule, you should use about 3-5 drops.

Fire up your device

Slowly press and hold the fire button while taking several short puffs without inhaling. As you do this, you should see the e-liquid being drawn up into the cotton. Keep going until there’s no more vapor being produced. If everything tastes burnt, that means you need to give your coil a few more minutes to soak up some more e-liquid.


Now, turn up the wattage and continue vaping as usual. You should notice that the flavor is much better, and there’s less chance of getting a dry hit.

Importance of priming coil for vaping

By priming your coil before vaping, you’re giving it a chance to saturate with e-liquid. This process wicks the cotton and gets rid of any dry spots that might cause your device to fire erratically or produce a burnt taste. While it might seem like an extra step, taking the time to prime your coil correctly can make a big difference in your vaping experience. This entire process takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

How often should you do it?

This depends on factors like your usage, the flavor, the coil, and device settings. It’s generally a good idea to prime your coil every time you replace it. This will help ensure that your device gets the best possible flavor and performance. We recommend that you should perform this procedure at least once a month. However, this may vary depending on your vaping routine.


Priming your coil may seem like an extra step, but it’s definitely worth doing if you want to enjoy the best possible vaping experience. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your coil is fully saturated with e-juice before you start using it. As a result, you’ll get better flavor and fewer dry hits.


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