When and How Should You Hydrate During Exercise? Expert Tips


Exercise is fantastic for your health, but it can also make you lose a lot of fluids. That’s why it’s crucial to know when and how to rehydrate your body during your workout. In this article, we’ll share expert tips to help you stay properly hydrated while you exercise.

The Importance of Hydration During Exercise

When you work out, your body sweats to cool down. Sweat is a mix of water and salt, and losing too much of it without replacing fluids can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can affect your performance, make you feel tired, and even cause heat-related illnesses. That’s why staying hydrated during exercise is vital.

When to Hydrate

Before Exercise: Start by rehydrating your body before you begin your workout. Drink about 16-20 ounces (475-590 milliliters) of water 2-3 hours before exercise.

During Exercise: Sip water during your workout, especially if it’s intense or lasts longer than an hour. Aim for about 7-10 ounces (200-300 milliliters) every 10-20 minutes.

After Exercise: Rehydrate after you finish your workout. Drink another 16-24 ounces (475-710 milliliters) for every pound (0.45 kilograms) of weight you lose during exercise. This will help you recover and replace lost fluids.

How to Hydrate

Choose Water: For most workouts, water is your best choice for hydration. It’s easily accessible and does the job effectively.

Electrolyte Drinks: For intense or prolonged exercise, consider sports drinks that contain electrolytes. These help replace the salt lost through sweat.

Avoid Overhydration: While staying hydrated is crucial, be careful not to overhydrate. Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, which is rare but serious.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you’re thirsty, take a sip. If you feel dizzy or have a dry mouth, it’s time to drink.

Practice Hydration: Make hydrating part of your exercise routine. Carry a water bottle and take regular sips. Be sure to start drinking before you’re thirsty.


Q: Can I drink coffee or tea before exercising?

A: Yes, but be mindful of caffeine’s diuretic effects. Balance it with water to stay hydrated.

Q: Is it necessary to drink electrolyte drinks for every workout?

A: No, for short and moderate workouts, water is usually sufficient. Save electrolyte drinks for intense or long sessions.

Q: How can I tell if I’m properly hydrated during exercise?

A: If you’re sweating regularly but not excessively, and you feel comfortable and energized, you’re likely hydrated.

Q: Can you explain the signs of overhydration?

A: Symptoms include nausea, headache, confusion, and swelling. It’s crucial to find the right balance in your water intake.

Q: Are there specific hydration needs for different types of exercise, like cardio or strength training?

A: Yes, the intensity and duration of your workout can impact your hydration needs. Adjust accordingly and consult with a fitness expert if needed.

In conclusion, understanding when and how to rehydrate your body during exercise is essential for your performance and well-being. Follow these expert tips, listen to your body, and make hydration a part of your workout routine to stay at your best.


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